Above and Beyond Yoga and Salt Therapy

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Himalayan Salt Therapy Room

Mobile’s Premier Dry Salt Therapy Center

Halotherapy, a popular form of natural therapy in Europe and Russia for several decades, is a natural and holistic experience for adults and children that has been known to aid in detoxifying the respiratory system, soothing skin conditions, promoting better breathing, sounder sleep and overall health and wellness. It can help to alleviate symptoms of allergies, asthma, COPD, snoring, sleep apnea, sinusitis, bronchitis, colds, flu and so much more. It is a wellness therapy for those who live in the polluted air of urban cities and for travelers who are exposed to the poor air quality of planes.

Rely on the Above and Beyond Salt Room, it’s proven and it WORKS. Cleanse lungs, strengthen respiratory function, improve the health of skin and achieve natural symptom relief.

Our Luxurious Himalayan Salt Room contains over 3 tons of Himalayan salt and optimizes proven therapeutic benefits by using a clinically proven dry salt therapy. When the 99.99% pure pharmaceutical grade salt is put in the halogenerator, it is crushed and ground into micro-particles and inhaled, the therapeutic benefits are most effective and able to reach the entire respiratory tract. These therapeutic aspects are then controlled and maintained by our State of the Art Halogenerator. A low concentration of aerosol salt is dispersed into the therapy room. It can help to alleviate symptoms of allergies, asthma, COPD, snoring, sleep apnea, sinusitis, bronchitis, colds, flu and so much more. It is a wellness therapy for those who live in the polluted air of urban cities and for travelers who are exposed to the poor air quality of planes.